The drop is always movingYou know that saying about standing on the shoulders of giants? Drupal is standing on a huge pile of midgetsAll content management systems suck, Drupal just happens to suck less.Popular open source software is more secure than unpopular open source software, because insecure software becomes unpopular fast. [That doesn't happen for proprietary software.]Drupal makes sandwiches happen.There is a module for that

The tale of a bug hunt

Submitted by nk on Sat, 2012-08-04 04:53

So I got some update tests fail as we upgrade to Symfony 2.1. The failures were coming from update_parse_xml complaining about malformed XML. I have quickly found a drupal_http_request in the calling function and dumped the URLs it tried to fetch into a file. The test apparently calls a page provided by the update_test.module. As the first attempts to fetch these pages with cURL failed miserably, I peeked into update_test_mock_page to see what XML file it is trying to transfer as a response and found every file name it tried to work with contained #broken#.

At this point I still was fetching every URL I had at hand in a log file with for i in `cat /tmp/log1` ; do j=`echo $i | md5sum|cut -c 1-32`;  curl -H Accept:text/xml -s $i > /tmp/1/$j; done but I have singled out just http://localhost/d8/update-test/drupal/8.x as it seemed to be broken enough.

As the mock page function is very short it was easy to figure out why it was #broken#: it needed configuration to be set accordingly, which I have done with a simple drush ev 'config("update_test.settings")->set("xml_map", array("drupal" => "0"))->save();'. Re-running my cURL command, however, showed well formed XML. Getting the same XML with drupal_http_request showed XML with some number before and after the XML, however.

So I googled curl raw http response and found that netcat will do nicely. So I dumped the request drupal_http_request runs and fed it into netcat. Reminder: HTTP requests have two line breaks at their end. Finally I was able to reproduce the brokenness with netcat. This was important because now I had a very fast way to reproduce the problems. Running the update test itself required some three minutes (this would later decrease to below a minute) and running drupal_http_request via drush was quite slow too.

As I looked into file_transfer it seemed strange to me that there were no Content-Length header nor a Connection Close. As I added them, things got fixed. But the story doesn't end here -- it felt strange and wrong to fix it this way. Digging further, I knew that send() in the HTTP Foundation Response has changed (because it caused other bugs in the same issue) and I began to comment out this and that in that function just to see what happens. Somewhere by now I have realized comparing the many responses that the broken replies had a Transfer-Encoding: Chunked header in them while the unbroken ones had a Content-Length header. Very strange, as this header didn't appear anywhere in D8. I have found out that the flush(); PHP command makes a Transfer-Encoding: Chunked appear if Content-Length is not sent. I suspect this has more to do with Apache than PHP because the PHP source code doesn't seem to contain anything do this.

Much to my surprise commenting out sendHeaders worked. So I began to binsearch in that function, commenting out this and that and found to my utter shock that commenting out header(sprintf('HTTP/%s %s %s', $this->version, $this->statusCode, $this->statusText)); alone was enough. I started replacing the variables in sprintf manually and found that HTTP/1.0 worked but $this->version was set to 1.1. I have looked up the Transfer-Encoding header in Wikipedia and it was indeed a HTTP 1.1 mechanism and those mysterious numbers were the chunk sizes. Well, why doesn't drupal_http_request support this mechanism, then? Another googling, for Transfer-Encoding drupal_http_request finds a comment by Damien Tournoud: "If a server replied with chunked encoding to a HTTP/1.0 request, fix the server.". Ah ha! Here is the fix.

There is extremely little a debugger would have helped here because the PHP codebase didn't quite contain any PHP bugs.

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Submitted by 51120q224efn on Mon, 2012-09-10 08:18.

How to Make It As a Singer and Dream BigIt takes effort and determination to make it as a star, and you may have to put in commitment and hard work. Try your best at everything. Things may not go as planned, but give it your best shot. Be prepared for what you want to do as sometimes you might have to try again, but believe in your dreams and almost anything is possible!But of course, you have to be confident! Many of us lack in self esteem and this is a real set back. If you believe you can do something, chances are that you are more likely to succeed. No one can go to bed all shy and quiet and wake up bursting to the brim with self confidence. It may take time to develop. A start is to think of all the things you like about yourself, not the bits you don't. Your talents,looks or even great personality all definitely count. And sticking with your true mates who make you feel good about yourself helps too. Surprisingly to some, some successful singers who have done this have actually got their jobs by doing so! Maybe you could. This may be nerve racking at first but an amazing experience. Think of a beat you could have and words that go together. Sing it as you go along. It feels great to know you've managed to come up with some songs yourself! Write them neatly in a notebook to keep safe. You could include lyrics of your favorite songs by artists by printing them off the internet or copying them out too. Remember the motto, "practise makes perfect". Make up is nice too, as you can try lots of different looks and have fun with it. And of course, a smile!.