The drop is always movingYou know that saying about standing on the shoulders of giants? Drupal is standing on a huge pile of midgetsAll content management systems suck, Drupal just happens to suck less.Popular open source software is more secure than unpopular open source software, because insecure software becomes unpopular fast. [That doesn't happen for proprietary software.]Drupal makes sandwiches happen.There is a module for that

Some Rules tricks I wish I knew

Submitted by nk on Thu, 2011-09-29 04:25

In Drupal 7 many times (in my case, it's a userpoints transaction) all you have is an entity but you want it to be, say, a node and you want to reach node properties and fields. If you add a condition, entity is type node, then the next condition will magically know the entity is node. Second, for actions the first thing you want to do is add a variable (this I learned at the relation presentation at London!) and after that you can use [some_node:field-foo] which previously you couldn't.

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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-09-29 04:43.

Is this what "Components" are? I'm still trying to get my head around the new rules features too.

Submitted by nk on Thu, 2011-09-29 05:19.

never seen a component. Screenshot?

Submitted by Itangalo on Thu, 2011-09-29 07:42.

I just had a really good IRC discussion with chx. Rules is a black box to many developers, and its user interface is in many cases far from intuitive.

I hope to contribute to helping both of these problems. Meanwhile, I'm posting tutorials on how to use Rules – which is a module that I consider as complex (and possibly as powerful) as Views:

I hope the videos can be of help.

Submitted by Paully on Fri, 2011-11-18 06:26.

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