The drop is always movingYou know that saying about standing on the shoulders of giants? Drupal is standing on a huge pile of midgetsAll content management systems suck, Drupal just happens to suck less.Popular open source software is more secure than unpopular open source software, because insecure software becomes unpopular fast. [That doesn't happen for proprietary software.]Drupal makes sandwiches happen.There is a module for that

A bit off topic: feeling "at home" with bash

Submitted by nk on Mon, 2008-06-02 19:04

I longed for this for so many year but somehow never took the effort to research it. Turns out that bash autocompletion can be be made into something sane by adding the following to profile/bashrc:

# make bash autocomplete with up arrow
bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'
# make tab cycle through commands instead of listing
bind '"\t":menu-complete'
# make cd try only directories
complete -d cd

The at home notice should be understandable to those who have a very very long memory: more than a decade ago Zoltan Hidvegi of zsh maintainer fame was one of my friends. I was spoiled for life about what a shell can (and should!) do.

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Submitted by caleb g on Mon, 2008-06-02 23:28.

Thanks for the tip.

For the people with os x, put those lines in /etc/profile and then in terminal do:
. /etc/profile make the changes take effect.

Submitted by on Tue, 2008-06-10 02:45.

…but thank you so much! Those looking to find more options should try man bash. On Mac OS X, avoid man bind as that will show you the less-than-useful “builtin” manual page.